Hello, I am Daniele Formica and this is my most recent website (October 2023) made with hotglue in October 2023.

First of all, I have been hesitant and pondering about weather a website is necessary to link to my self, work, practice, art, thinking, questioning, feeling, living, performing, etc... The website- as an idea, image, praxis and phenomenon, etc. - very spontaneously has been manifesting into my life (or I have ex-perienced it).
The practical question is: what do I want from it?

I do not know. I feel like I am throwing stones at the wind, perform talking about trees throughout the crisis, open myself to interpretation, questioning, dancing, improvisation and most importantly in a conversation with YOU, the other -I simply cannot perform alone (even if you may think that my operating resembles a self-love monologue), let alone leaving you with a website that is formally unravelling in front of your subjecting eyes. Arrogant, you say? I do not mean to stand out, but stand within. I want us to get naked. I could be the creepy guy sitting in the bench scribbling nonsense as you bike home from your busy work shift. Would you fear me then? Would I be invisible then? Yet isn't a website also a lonely bench in the stream of public operating, a bench with some graffiti and an empty paper cup and cigarette butts and perhaps a tin can or what else. Isn't a website this latent space, this empty space for most of the time, where somehow you ended up and all of the sudden this insignificance around you, totally alienated from your life -litteraly in-significant-- now this is proximal and you seem to become aware of it, maybe a little grossed out, or ignorant, or what else. Possibilities. Perhaps you came to this bench willingly, perhaps you wanted to find some answers here. Probably you are looking for me, probably you do not know me, you are trying to get in contact with me. Is this the place where I should leave you a way to find me? I think it is much more fun to let this part open. To let it all open.

All that this small verbal delirium is trying to say is: I do not know what I want from the website, and knowing what I would want from it would make my life surely a little more enslaved in automatic operating. And as I keep on pouring out improvised streams of thoughts and feelings on this typing mechanism> you get to know a part of me a little better. Of course perhaps you came here looking for something else. I have tried to be generous, I try to be generous, but also I fear I often tend to overwhelm others, and among all of them myself.

It is a process that is opening, disintegrating, decaying, liquefying. I hope we can meet in the middle, even if the middle keeps on moving.
Daniele Formica, Wednesday 18 Oct 2023, 15:43, The Hague, Helena Van Doeverenplantsoen 3, 2512 ZB
It is a process that is opening, disintegrating, decaying, liquefying. I hope we can meet in the middle, even if the middle keeps on moving.
Daniele Formica, danieleformica96@gmail.com